Systematic Theology

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A Msg#1546 Response to the Calling of Calvinism

On 11/22/2015 2:38 PM, Ron wrote: “Notice the effectual nature of God’s call to Abram. Love ya, brother!”

Dear Ron,

I think that’s a cop out. Notice more so that Abram could have said no, and God would have called another.

Baptists who want to justify their twisted compromises as Calvinists say, “We don’t believe in John’s assertion of the Total depravity of man, just in the ‘effectual’ total depravity of man; we don’t believe in Calvin’s Unconditional Election, just the ‘effectual’ unconditional election.” Baptist Mid-Missions doesn’t believe in the Presbyterian Church’s doctrine of Limited Atonement, just in the “effectual” limited atonement. Mislead Baptist Calvinists don’t believe in Irresistible Grace, only the “effectual” irrestibleness of God’s grace. The Roman Empire, which attempted the hostile takeover of Christianity, taught John Calvin and his Presbyterian Church to say “Preservation of the Saints;” it was not anything they got from Bible study, where they could have worded “Eternal Security.” God preserving his seed line for Christ, is entirely different than his preserving the blood bought, born again, converted to Christ, quickend saints of the New Covenant. John Calvin, with his covenant theology and adopted Roman replacement theology, never “effectively” got the difference.

You want to be careful of the word “effectual,” this old Baptist preacher is wise to its secret code in Calvinistic circles.

Love ya, brother.


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